Level Up Your Closing Experience

Why Choose Us?

We know you want to buy, sell, or build your home as soon as possible, especially if you’ve been through this before. Previously, you probably had to spend hours in an office signing lots of papers, simply because most title companies refuse to go digital.

Our technology distills the closing process down to signing on any device in minutes.

Whether you’re at the beach, at home on your couch, or anywhere in between, you can close on the purchase or sale of your house in a fraction of the time you did in the past.

Our seamless process works for many transaction types, including refinances and construction loans as well. Just let your Realtor, lender, or builder know that you want to use us for the most convenient closing possible….and we’ll take care of the rest.

How it Works

step 01.

Tell your agent/lender/builder that you want to use us

step 02.

Log in to our secure platform (optional) for updates during the process

step 03.

Close anywhere - you just need a compatible device and internet